🧪 3 tests to identify blood sugar imbalances 

Is your blood sugar out of balance?

Do you have any of these signs or symptoms?

  • Extra weight around the middle

  • Cravings, especially for carbs and sugar

  • You feel like you need a nap after most meals

  • You feel hungry before you should be

  • You get hangry between meals

  • You feel tired all the time or struggle with consistent energy

If so, your blood sugar may be going on a daily rollercoaster.

What’s going on?

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that keeps blood sugar levels in check. After eating, the pancreas releases insulin into your bloodstream, and the glucose (blood sugar) is used to fuel your cells with energy, then insulin lowers your blood sugar levels back to baseline after a meal. Insulin resistance happens when insulin isn’t doing its job to direct sugar into the cell, remaining in the bloodstream, as a result, your blood sugar remains elevated and the pancreas secretes more insulin.

Testing for Insulin Resistance:

Fasting Blood Glucose A measure of how much glucose is in your blood after an overnight fast

Hemoglobin A1C A measure of your average blood sugar levels over the past three months using a percentage point.

Fasting Insulin Increased insulin levels in the blood is very common in people with insulin resistance so we also test for fasting insulin levels.

***It’s also important when analyzing your results to look at them through the lens of functional ranges vs pathological ranges. For example: the biggest difference between both is the deviation level for a certain type of analysis, as an example glucose:

â–¶Pathological: 65-110 mg/dl

▶Functional: 85 – 100 mg/dl

So if you only look at the pathological range you might think “everything is normal” when in fact this might indicate a risk for developing diabetes.

Good news is that you can control your insulin levels through lifestyle changes!

Balance your lifestyle

  • Fill your plate with colorful and anti-inflammatory foods rich in protein, fat, and fiber

  • Establish good sleep habits since low quality/quantity sleep is tied to blood sugar dysregulation

  • Decrease stress levels

  • Maintain a consistent exercise practice

Many people have insulin resistance, even if their body mass index is normal đź‘€, thus diet, lifestyle, and genetics can all affect blood sugar levels in your body and healthy habits will definitely help you balance them.

There are actually a few herbs and spices that when used in conjunction with a proper diet, can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

  1. Black Cumin Seed

  2. Milk Thistle

  3. Cinnamon

  4. Bitter Melon

  5. Berberine

This blend is a great mix of several of those along with other anti-inflammatory ingredients. Find it in our store here and save 10% on your entire order!

As always, check with your healthcare team before starting any new supplement!

Want to learn more about how our practice can help you balance your blood sugar? Book a call here and we will be happy to talk about a strategy to manage your blood sugar naturally!

Dr. Jenny Quartano

Dr. Quartano is a dual board-certified physical therapist in pediatrics and neurology with a passion for seeing children and families grow successfully and thrive together.


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