Interactive Play

 All Together Wellness is excited to expand expert-led classes designed to help children connect and socialize through play while working to meet goals and milestones.

Open primarily to ages 2-10, each session will focus on skills and sensory experiences learning language, motor skills, socialization, and problem-solving.

Parents will feel confident their child will create connections and build healthy habits and social skills. Children will feel empowered with fun child-led play that matches their skills and abilities. Short term commitments allows you to come and go from classes as your schedule allows.

Classes enrolling now!

Expert-Led Classes

Watch Me Grow

Come connect with your child in our mindful, child-led play class. this one hour expert-led play class will take you through sensory exploration, structured and open play, and provide an opportunity for you and your child alike to build relationships with families walking through the same stages of life. Build skills for school as well as social relationships in a fun and inviting mommy-and-me class. Open to ages 2-4.


$297 for 6 week series

Meets 10:00am Thursday

Sensory Adventures

Encourage your child to explore their senses and learn how to better connect to their body through sensory input. This class will support peer connection, building appropriate social interactions while encouraging but not pushing them to step out of their comfort zone to build various sensory projects. This is a great class to help your child better connect with themselves and friends in a hands-on interactive way learning about how our senses work. Open to ages 6-10.

$397 for 8 week series

Meets 3:30pm Tuesday

Coordinated Kids

Let's go play! Come work on coordination, motor, and social skills in a small group setting, led by a pediatric physical therapist. In this 8 week class, we will be working on coordination and motor skills to improve overall coordination, balance, play skills, ball skills, and body awareness, all while also promoting play and socialization with peers. Open to ages 6-10.

$397 for 8 week series

Meets 3:30pm Wednesday

Fun with Food

This kid’s group is for unlocking tasty adventures! Have a child who is picky or sticks to the same preferred foods? This class will enjoy creative food art, sensory taste testing, and social snack time to encourage even the most selective of eaters to make food fun. Parents, you will see enhanced fine motor skills, confidence with eating, and healthy habits unfolding in this 8 week series. Open to ages 4-8.

$397 for 8 week series

Meets 10:00am Wednesday

Looking for our summer camp series?

The schedule is now open for booking!